In Memoriam

We remember them often in a thousand different ways…  In the morning…. In the night….  When we look at the stars…. A date… A song… A place…. A smell….In memory of of those who have left us too soon…

A list of our deceased classmates has been posted below. If you are aware of any other classmates who are not on this list and have passed away please email us at

Thank you.

In  Memoriam

First Last Date
John Anderson 12/4/10
Chris (John) Andrus 4/11/11
Todd Baldwin 8/19/19
Gordon Bane 6/21/20
Debra Baseman 2/8/18
Timothy Beadle 7/2/23
Raymond Beeson 12/3/90
Marcie Bendell 11/14/16
Kathleen Berg 1/2/05
Stephen Blum 8/19/80
John Bohling 3/9/02
Kathleen (Niki) Boosalis 3/7/07
Nancy Bossenecker 9/16/15
Steve Bothun 2/3/10
Karen Broscoff 1/1/14
Jan Busse 4/29/14
Michael Carpenter 2/20/13
Linda Carter 4/8/15
Debra Chase 12/19/13
Scott Christianson 9/9/21
William (Bill) Cody 5/6/23
Deborah Colbert 10/8/98
John Davy 7/8/22
Debra DeMeria 3/9/04
Wayne Roger Dietz 1/14/19
Helen Dombeck 7/24/20
Kevin Driscoll 3/22/97
John Dyke unk
Michele Ehlert 9/12/02
Scott Ekenberg 9/23/21
Richard Ervasti 6/8/21
Michael Fitzgerald 2/16/16
Colleen Flanders 8/16/94
Jeffrey Fleming 5/6/21
Rick Foster 12/1/17
Peter Fraenkel unk
Carrie French 8/6/10
Patricia Gardner 7/11/08
Paul Grant unk
Polly Griffiths 3/2/15
David Grove 6/6/20
Craig Guth 5/5/98
Bruce Halverson 6/11/02
Brenda Harvey 3/10/14
Steve Hawes 7/9/15
Mark Hogle 3/2/83
Deborah Holt 4/2/17
Kent Hooker 2/26/20
Kurt Hornnes 8/31/13
John Houge 11/3/01
Jim Houston 10/23/21
Peter Hoversten 12/5/13
Diane Imme 2/5/20
George Jaeger 1/1/90
Linda Johnson 5/8/18
Steven Johnson 12/28/20
Mary Julien 1/19/05
Beverly Kauth 6/27/09
Daniel Kearney 7/28/07
Paul Kottem 9/14/14
Kristi Kramber 5/27/21
Kathleen Kretchmer 2/20/01
Mark Krinke 8/22/20
Steve Kuhbander 9/24/04
Curtis LaDuke 4/23/23
Mary Leary 5/3/01
Diane Lee 2/19/15
Gerald Marchessault 5/10/16
Nancy Mathiason 4/8/13
Terri McAndrews 4/17/09
Dan Milbert 1/16/14
Peter Miller 4/14/97
Steven Moore 8/29/17
Carolyn Morical 1/28/07
Bradford Nelson 7/2/74
Dennis Nelson 5/12/78
Don O'Brian 4/22/10
Mary Olberg 6/17/22
Valerie Olson 9/18/22
Cheryl Pacholke 3/29/01
Penny Palmquist 7/24/21
Susan Paul 4/16/11
Wayne Paulson 10/4/21
Scott Rasmusson 12/4/21
Lester Reif 4/6/20
John Robert 9/4/92
Kittie Rodahl Hill 6/27/17
Steve Roehning 4/15/12
Susan Rouser 2/2/11
Tracy Sampson 4/5/11
Kevin Schlechter 12/16/16
Paul Schmidt 5/22/14
Irene Schollmeier 1/26/11
Ray Scott 1/4/10
Lynwood Shelton 8/25/82
Alan Skarman 9/9/16
Terry Skoog 8/5/18
Lisa Snesrud 6/1/22
Jeffrey Snuggerud 1/21/94
Nancy Sorenson 12/12/09
Michele Spangler 11/18/80
Michael Steuk 1/25/2018
Jackie Stevens 12/7/99
Steve Talpus 12/24/12
Susan Terry 9/5/94
Jan G. Thompson 2/10/14
William Thompson 5/22/22
Collette Tormeon 10/23/16
Timothy Wachter 3/10/07
Richard Wicks 8/20/02
Richard Wilcox 11/6/04
Dave Willard 6/8/20
James Young 2/13/20
Thomas Zellner 8/26/94

It’s hard to forget
Who gave you so much to remember

Posted in News.