The 50th! Oh what a reunion it was!

Hey Mighty Spartans and the RHS Class of 73!  That’s a wrap for our 50th Reunion!  Oh what a reunion it was! It was a great evening of reminiscing, renewing old acquaintances and making new ones during the event. Thank you to all our classmates who could be with us.  Also a big shout out […]

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Checking in at the Reunion

Attention all RHS Classmates attending the August 12th event. When you arrive at the Minnesota Valley Country Club to checkin we have a list of all classmates who registered for the reunion online and by mail.  You and your guest’s name tags will be at the checkin table. The classmate’s name tag will be the name at graduation. Tickets may still be purchased […]

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In Memoriam

We remember them often in a thousand different ways…  In the morning…. In the night….  When we look at the stars…. A date… A song… A place…. A smell….In memory of of those who have left us too soon… A list of our deceased classmates has been posted below. If you are aware of any […]

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Join us at our 50th Class Reunion!

Greetings RHS classmates far and near We look forward to seeing you at our 50th Class Reunion this year So don’t delay and register today You can register online and by mail. Details can be found at our website: Click on this link for the Reunion Schedule of Events> We are looking forward to seeing […]

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